ZK Proof Generation Prediction (Gaming)
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The zk-proof market is anticipated to grow into a $10 billion industry by 2030 (75 mil revenue in 2024), from today’s mainstream use cases, translating into a demand for nearly 90 billion ZK proofs per annum to power Web3 services, with the capability to execute 83,000 ZK transactions per second.
Use Cases
Proof Size (Gates)
Frequency / Volume
Proof Gen Time
ZK Roll-up e.g. ZKSync
Over 1,000,000
Predictable proof submission pattern, up-to 150 proofs/day
Data Storage e.g. Filecoin
Over 100 mil arithmetic constraints
6-7 million ZK proofs per day
Not time sensitive
Private Transfer e.g. ZCash
Over 1,000,000
When a private transaction is needed. 0.05 tps on average
2.3 seconds
ZK Onchain Gaming e.g.Crypto Rumble
A wide variety of actions and events, very diversified.Up-to 100M proofs per day. 1-1,000 proofs per min per game user depending on gameplay design. Massive marketing dominance representing 98.5% of total market share of the overall ZK market
0.1 - 4 seconds